Ever wondered why we have wisdom teeth and if they really need to be pulled out?
These mysterious molars, also known as third molars, usually make their debut in our late teens or early twenties, a time often associated with gaining wisdom—hence the name!
Today we dive into the history, common issues, and expert advice on whether you should keep or remove those pesky third molars.
To understand why we have wisdom teeth, let's take a little trip back in time.
Our ancestors had much larger jaws and needed these extra molars to help chew through a diet that included a lot of tough, raw plants and meats.
The larger jaw accommodated these teeth without any issues.
However, as human diets evolved to include softer, cooked foods, our jaws became smaller.
Despite the decrease in jaw size, wisdom teeth continued to develop.
In modern times, this often leads to problems, as our smaller jaws don't have enough room to fit these latecomers.
For many people, wisdom teeth can cause a variety of dental problems:
IMPACTION This happens when there isn't enough room for the wisdom teeth to emerge properly, they can become trapped in the jawbone or gums. This can be painful and lead to infection.
CROWDING As wisdom teeth try to find space, they can push other teeth out of alignment, leading to crowding and misalignment.
DECAY AND GUM DISEASE Because wisdom teeth are so far back in the mouth, they can be difficult to clean properly. This can lead to cavities and gum disease.
The decision to remove wisdom teeth is not always straightforward and depends on several factors. Here are some guidelines to help you decide:
PAIN AND DISCOMFORT If your wisdom teeth are causing pain or discomfort, it's often a sign that they need to be evaluated by us.
INFECTION AND INFLAMMATION Persistent infections around the wisdom teeth can lead to more serious health issues. Removal might be necessary to prevent this.
ORTHODONTIC CONCERNS If you're undergoing orthodontic treatment or have spent years wearing braces, the last thing you want is for wisdom teeth to mess up your beautifully aligned smile.
PREVENTATIVE MEASURES Sometimes we recommend removing wisdom teeth before they cause problems, especially if X-rays show that they are likely to become impacted.
If we advise that your wisdom teeth should be removed, rest assured that this is a common procedure. Here's what you can typically expect:
CONSULTATION We will examine your mouth and take X-rays to assess the position of your wisdom teeth.
PROCEDURE We can extract your wisdom teeth under local anaesthetic in the dental chair for cases that are straight forward. For complex cases or if you prefer, we can refer you to a local Oral Surgeon to have them removed under general anaesthetic.
RECOVERY After the procedure, you may experience some swelling and discomfort, but recovery usually takes only a couple of days.
Wisdom teeth are a fascinating remnant of our evolutionary past, but they often pose challenges in our modern mouths.
Whether to remove them or not is a decision best made with the experienced dentists at Clubb Dental.
Regular dental check-ups will help monitor their development and catch any potential issues early on.
If you have any concerns about your wisdom teeth, don't hesitate to give us a call on 3378 0033 or schedule an appointment.
We're here to help you keep your smile healthy and bright!