Do you still need to go to the dentist if you are seeing an orthodontist?
If you or your child are being treated with braces or clear aligners do you need to also make appointments to see the dentist for a checkup and clean? After all an Orthodonist also has dental training or is it doubling up?
Absolutely, YES! You still need a checkup and cleaning every 6 months even when you are having orthodontic work done. It is possible to end up with beautifully straight teeth that are full of decay.
It is important to visit the dentist while you are undergoing orthodontic treatment to remove any plaque and tartar build up. Having braces on will provide even more places for food and bacteria to hide. Braces can also make flossing more difficult.
Plaque and tartar can form around your brackets, bands or plates. This means that your gums will become red and bleed when brushing and your teeth can begin to decay. This decay can permanently scar the visible surfaces of your teeth. Having your teeth professionally cleaned can help remove most, if not all plaque and tartar built up on your teeth. If you are undergoing clear aligner treatment dental checkups and cleanings are equally important.
Your orthodontist will be looking at your teeth and gums during your visits but they are looking at them to monitor how they are progressing in making your teeth straighter or fixing your bite. Regular checkups and cleans help keep your mouth health for life.
It is true that an Orthodontist is also a dentist, they completed a dental degree and then underwent a further 3 years of training to become an orthodontist. It is like the difference between your family GP a cardiologist. A cardiologist will not be looking for or treat other conditions but your GP will look after your general health.
So make sure your teeth are not only looking beautiful but that they are healthy as well!
If you have any questions regarding Checkups and Professional Cleaning of your teeth please drop me an email or book an appointment to discuss your dental problem.
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