This week is Dental Health Week - our focus is to see "How much SUGAR is hiding in your trolley?"
We all know that having too much sugar is not good for us. Sugar is directly related to tooth decay. Sugar is one of the sources of empty calories leading to weight gain. Sugar increases the risk of diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
BUT have you thought about how much sugar is hiding in your shopping trolley?
Almost 80% of all items sold in supermarkets contain added sugar.
This is not sugar in it's natural state, like in an apple, this sugar is added by food manufacturers. Sugar is added by food manufacturers so that we will then crave their food more and so they will get more sales.
So the first thing to check on every product that you put in your trolley is the nutrition information.
If you look at the last column on the nutrition information this gives you the Quantity per 100g. For sugar we aim to have this number below 10g sugar per 100g of product or 10%.
We all know that when we eat a donut that it is filled and usually coated with sugar but added sugar is found in places where you never even think to look.
Sugar is found in the most unlikely places ie. tonic water, bread, marinades and tomato sauce.
Making a few small changes to the products that we buy can reduce the amount of sugar that we consume everyday.
SALAD DRESSING When you are eating a salad, you are having a healthy meal - until you add the salad dressing.
In the salad dressing below, it is 14.7% sugar! and most of us would choose it because it is the fat free version. The original version (that is not fat free) is 11.3% so as far as sugar goes it is better for us. Another brand of dressing - Waite, has even less sugar at 9.9%.
To put this into context, Coca-cola, as we all know is full of sugar, at 10.6% sugar. The Praise Balsamic dressing has a higher percentage of sugar!
BREAKFAST CEREAL There are plenty of sugary breakfast cereals, but Nutri-grain is one that you might be fooled into thinking was a little healthier than most - it even has 20% protein and is eaten by iron men! But what about the difference in sugar?
YOGURT Yogurt is another product with a massive range of sugar content and it is worth spending a few minutes at the fridge at the supermarket to see other options available.
MARINADES Marinades also contain sugar - these spices are used to make our family favourite tacos. Check out the difference!
PEANUT BUTTER There is even a difference between brands of peanut butter, Bega now make 2 different peanut butters - one with sugar and one without and our kids can't tell the difference.
Making a change to the amount of sugar you are consuming can make a massive difference to your health. You do not have to make all of your food from scratch, just a few changes to your shopping list is all that it takes.
Be sure to check out the SUGAR is hiding in your shopping trolley this week and why not try just one new product to keep your sugar under 10%.
If you have any questions please give us a call or send us a message.