These are some of the technologies we have available at Clubb Dental. We aim to make your visit comfortable and give you a long lasting smile. If you have any questions regarding these technologies please contact us.
ZOOM! WHITENING Have you ever dreamed of whiter teeth? With Zoom! you can achieve the whitest natural smile possible in about an hour. This is a great place to start for most cosmetic improvements.
We can also whiten your teeth with Day White take home custom tray system.
CEREC Natural ceramic restorations including crowns as you wait. This amazing German technology means you only have to be numb once, with no temp's. You can have crowns, porcelain onlays and veneers on the same day!
NITROUS OXIDE SEDATION Happy gas is inhaled using a nose mask. This is often a good choice for anxious people who are at the dentist. This allows you to relax during dental visits and this can be great for kids. The rapid recovery after inhalation involves inhalation of medical oxygen.
DIGITAL X-RAYS Early diagnosis of decay required vigilance. Current guidelines recommend a pair of diagnostic quality bitewing X-rays every two years. The advantage of digital X-rays is a lower dose of radiation, and they are available immediately, saving time.
We adhere to the 'As Close as Reasonably Achievable' (ALARA) principle.
DIGITAL RECORD KEEPING We have been early adopters of digital patient records. This system safe guards your records, confidentiality and allows us to keep track your dental treatment and needs. Back up is kept off site.
SIROLASE SOFT TISSUE LASER If you ever need a soft tissue dental procedure, the traditional use of a scalpel or diathermy is gladly avoided with what is a bloodless, and less traumatic technique. We are pleased to be able to have you recover quicker and of course with less (if any) discomfort.
LASER DIAGNOSIS In keeping with our practice of minimal invasive dentistry, we use Kavo Diagnodent which allows us to monitor any early decay areas. Some decay spots will never require filling. The trick is knowing when a spot is safe versus one that is going to require intervention.
DIGITAL OPG (ORTHOPANTOMOGRAM) Also known as Panoramic. Sirona ORTHOPHOS XG 5 has 11 programs that can be used to isolate the area we are examining with diagnostic quality images with absolute minimum exposure. We are pleased to offer this during your appointment to save you additional and costly visits after having an OPG done elsewhere.
SIRONA DAC PROFESSIONAL STERILISER As part of our strict infection control procedures, we have chosen a Class B steam steriliser. Reprocessed instruments are subjected to super heated steam under pressure after a vacuum removes all air from the steriliser chamber.
KODAK 1500 INTRA-ORAL CAMERA This digital intra-oral camera allows us to examine your teeth with high definition photographs and can aid treatment planning.
EMS AIR-FLOW HANDY This device uses Sodium bicarbonate to gently remove the most stubborn stains.
ROTARY ENDODONTICS If you ever require a root canal, you will only want to do it once. The Endowave System from Morita allows us to ensure your tooth is internally cleaned thoroughly, just the once. Treatment with rotary files has allowed appointment times to decrease, and in some cases fewer appointments are needed.
SYBRON MINI APEX LOCATOR This device provides accurate canal lengths during root canal therapy. This means shorter treatment appointments, less appointments, less X-rays and a better chance of long term success with root canals.
TV ON CEILING ABOVE DENTAL CHAIR No more looking at the ceiling light fixtures during your treatment! You can watch a DVD or TV positioned conveniently above your dental chair. This is great for children needing dental work as they can watch their favourite shows.
Dental procedures have risks. Prior to having a procedure, you should seek a professional opinion from a properly qualified health practitioner. Individual results can vary.