Things don't always go to plan ... sometimes accidents happen, like knocking out a tooth.
Hopefully this never happens to you but keep this information handy just in case. There are some important things that need to happen if you knock out a tooth to give you the best chance to keep the tooth.
What do you do if you knock out a tooth?
Knocking out an adult tooth is considered a dental emergency and it is important to arrange to see us ASAP. We keep emergency appointments available every day for just these kinds of accidents! Give us a call on 3378 0033 to arrange an appointment or leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
1. CLEAN THE TOOTH If you are ever in the position where you have knocked out a tooth the 1st thing to do is to clean the tooth. Do this by sucking on the tooth to remove any debris. If this is not possible then use milk to rinse the tooth for a few seconds. NEVER RINSE THE TOOTH WITH WATER!
2. HOW TO TOUCH THE TOOTH When handling the tooth make sure that you only touch the crown (or top) of the tooth. Ensure that you do not touch the root of the tooth and be careful not to rub off any tissue fragments that are attached to the tooth
3. PUT THE TOOTH BACK After the tooth has been cleaned of any debris place the tooth back into the socket where it has come from. Be sure that you have the tooth facing the right direction. This should be done within minutes of the tooth being knocked out. Only Adult teeth should be put back into their socket baby teeth are not put back.
4. HOLD THE TOOTH IN PLACE Hold the tooth in place by biting on something soft like a tissue or a clean piece of clothing
5. CAN'T GET THE TOOTH BACK IN PLACE? Keep the tooth moist by keeping it in some milk in a plastic bag or similar or hold it in your mouth next to your cheek. Make sure if you are keeping the tooth in your mouth that you are not likely to swallow it or choke on it or that you are not likely to lose consciousness.
6. BOOK AN EMERGENCY DENTAL APPOINTMENT Book an emergency appointment at Clubb Dental on 3378 0033 or book online as soon as possible.
ADULT TOOTH OR BABY TOOTH The above information is for use when an adult tooth is knocked out. If it is a deciduous (or baby) tooth then we do not need to attempt to re-position the tooth as an adult tooth will eventually replace it. If you are unsure if it is a baby or adult tooth please call us for help.
IS THE HOSPITAL REQUIRED? If your accident has involved a more extensive head injury eg. a concussion please go to your closest hospital or call 000. If you cannot control the bleeding from the socket eg the bleeding does not stop or it gets worse then visit your closest hospital or call 000.
Remember prevention is better than cure! Anytime you are playing high risk contact sports remember your custom made sports mouth guard.
If you have any further questions regarding what to do if you knock out a tooth or any other dental question please give us a call or send us a message, we would love to help.