At Clubb Dental we can save you time if you need a dental crown by not needing to schedule multiple appointments and waiting weeks to get a crown.
We use the latest dental technology to prepare, make and cement a dental crown in a single visit.
The traditional way of getting a dental crown is to have an appointment when your tooth is prepared for a dental crown, then a mold is made of your tooth, and a temporary crown is put in it's place to protect your tooth while your crown is being made.
This mold is then sent to a dental lab where the dental crown is manufactured - this takes a couple of weeks.
Then a second appointment is made to cement your new crown into place.
During your appointment your tooth is prepared for a dental crown.
A 3D scan of the area is taken and a new tooth is designed and milled from ceramic such as EMax or zirconia. The newly milled crown is then placed in a furnace which then gives it it's high strength.
Your new dental crown is then cemented into place, all within the same dental appointment.
During your appointment you can even catchup on reading a good book or your emails while your new crown is milling and is in the furnace.
* Requires a single dental visit * No impressions (molds) are taken * Temporary crowns are not needed to protect the tooth * Metal free materials * Just as strong as traditional crowns * No second appointment and a second local anaesthetic * FAST! FAST! FAST!
There never seems to be enough time in our days especially with Christmas just around the corner so don't waste any more time getting a traditional - 2 visit - crown when a same day crown is faster and lasts just as long.
Same day dental crowns are claimable on your dental insurance.
Give us a call if you think you need a dental crown or if you have any other questions 3378 0033