A toothache can happen with little or no notice, and the pain can be so great that you can think of little else.
Toothaches can stop you from sleeping so how can you relieve a toothache at home so you can get a little sleep.
Toothaches that happen for more than a couple of days or tooth pain is not subsiding should be seen by a dentist as soon as possible.
Rinse with Salt Water
Rinsing the area with salt water is a great place to start for a toothache.
The salt water may flush out any food particles that are stick between the teeth causing a toothache. Salt water is also able to reduce inflammation of any gum irritation or wound.
HOW TO DO Dissolve 1/2 tsp of salt in a glass of warm water. Gently swish the affected area with the warm salt water for 30 seconds. Can be repeated as required. DO NOT swallow the salt water rinse.
Hydrogen Peroxide Mouth Rinse
Hydrogen Peroxide is anti-bacterial so it can kill bacteria causing problems and also help with bleeding gums. Hydrogen Peroxide Mouth Rinse is an alternative to using a salt water rinse. Hydrogen Peroxide is commonly found as a 3% solution in some first aid kits.
HOW TO DO Dilute 3% Hydrogen Peroxide 1 part Hydrogen Peroxide with 2 parts water ie 20ml 3% Hydrogen Peroxide and 40ml water Gently swish the affected are with the diluted Hydrogen Peroxide rinse for 30 seconds Can be repeated up to 4 times a day DO NOT swallow the Hydrogen Peroxide rinse
Savacol Mouth Rinse
Savacol or other chlorhexidine mouthrinses are antibacterial and may also dislodge any food debris that may be stuck between the teeth. Savacol mouthrinse can be purchased from your local pharmacy.
HOW TO DO Gently swish the affected are with Savacol Mouthrinse for 30 seconds Can be repeated morning and night
Over The Counter (OTC) Medication
OTC medications can be effective to control toothache - the best are the NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen (Nurofen). These medications reduce inflammation this is especially helpful if there is swelling around a tooth nerve. Check with a health professional that you are able to take these medications before use especially if you suffer from high blood pressure, are asthmatic or suffer from stomach ulcers. If you are unable to take NSAIDs you can take Paracetamol tablets to control the pain.
HOW TO DO Take 2 x Ibuprofen (200mg) tablets every 8 hours (Maximum 6 tablets in 24 hours) and/or Take 2 x Paracetamol (500mg) tablets every 6 hours (Maximum 8 tablets in 24 hours)
Apply Ice
Applying ice to the affected area can reduce swelling and inflammation and also numb the nerves.
HOW TO DO Wrap an ice pack in a tea towel or similar and apply to your jaw for generalised pain. Suck on a piece of ice if a single tooth is affected. Ice can be used for 15-20 minutes every couple of hours.
Clove Oil
Clove Oil is anti-inflammatory and will also numb the area, it also has antiseptic properties.
HOW TO DO Dab clove oil onto a cotton ball Hold the cotton ball onto the tooth for 5-10 minutes Repeat every few hours as required Clove Oil can be purchased at your local pharmacy
Sugar Free Gum
If you have a chipped or broken tooth that has a sharp edge or is sensitive, sugar free gum can provide cover and protect your cheek or tongue from being cut from the sharp edge. Also if the tooth is sensitive then the gum can cover the nerve and provide temporary relief by protecting the exposed nerves inside the tooth.
HOW TO DO Chew some sugar free gum until it is soft an malleable. Place the gum over the tooth to provide the protection required.
When to see a dentist
Most toothaches are preventable by regularly brushing and flossing and visiting the dentist every 6 months but they can happen to anyone.
If your tooth pain that lasts for more than a couple of days you should arrange an appointment at Clubb Dental.
We have emergency appointments available every day for tooth pain.
Do not suffer in silence with toothache contact us today 3378 0033
If you have any further questions regarding toothache or any other dental question please give us a call or send us a message, we would love to help.